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The Pareto Principle in Dating

How the scientific examination of dating choices has unyielded groundbreaking information on the nature of men and women.

What is the Pareto Principle?

The Pareto Principle is the scientific law that roughly twenty percent of the inputs, or individuals making inputs, account for eighty percent of the outputs. This law is often applied to economics, and the reproduction of plants and animals, but a similar set of observations have been discovered in the field of dating.

The distribution of male interest to female potential female partners is very broad. Roughly speaking, the average man is likely attracted to ninety percent of women. However, this distribution is not nearly as important as the distribution of female interest to potential male partners. The distribution for females to males is eighty percent of women are attracted to only twenty percent of men. Dating is a marketplace, and the women are the buyers, while the men are the sellers. Women call the shots with regards to which interactions will result in a date, in a phone number, or potentially a relationship. This is because while men are lacking in terms of standards or expectations for potential female partners, women hold men to higher standards.

Some have argued that this is dictated by appearance, and have argued that women are superficial. However, this is simply not true. Men care far more about appearance than women do, but have far lower standards for what qualifies as an attractive appearance. This is why men can find so many women attractive before they enter into a committed relationship. It may be a deal breaker more so for men than women, but it's a standard that most women surpass. In the case of women, there are far more standards, and the visual component is just one of many- and a far less significant one at that.

The best explanation for the discrepancy is that women expect men to be more competent, more independent, and of better character than men expect of them. This is for many reasons; for one, there is far more at stake to lose. Women are vulnerable, not only physically compared to men, but a committed relationship is more risky for them. As depraved and horrendous as it sounds, and some men certainly are, it's rather easy for men to opt out of a relationship at any time. They can't get pregnant, and women have a greater need for a stable foundation than men do, since men have been shown to be able to endure greater physical toil at older ages, despite the fact they live shorter lives. This physical durability affords men a great capacity to support their partners and children well into old age, but it also affords evil men the capacity to simply leave if they wish- something women unfortunately have to factor in when considering with whom to develop a relationship.

How can one benefit from this knowledge?

The answer is self-evident. Be a better man than the rest. Instead of complaining that women are picky, or that you don't fulfil their expectations, it's better to rise to the occasion. Women expect men to be independent. Is there any reason not to be? Not really, unless one is dependent on others to live, and those rare circumstances don't typically manifest relationships. Women expect men to have self-control, and to not be impulsive. Is there any excuse for a man to have uncontrollable anger issues, to be immature and predisposed to bouts of childish behaviour, or to be physically abusive? Is there any justification that a man be lustful towards other women, despite making a promise to remain faithful by entering a committed relationship? The answer is simply no. Instead of being aggrieved that women are particular in their choice of men; instead, develop yourself to be worthy of joining the twenty percent that stand out.


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